Primary Level Curriculum and Instruction

5.1. Language Arts
5.2. English
5.3. Mathematics
5.4. Social Studies
5.5. Sciences
5.6. Health
5.7. Life Skills
5.8. Library/Study Skills
5.9. Technology
5.10. Art
5.11. Music
5.12. Integrated Creative Expectations
5.13. Physical Education  

5.1. Language Arts

Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Spelling and Language Skills are perceived to be integrated and taught simultaneously.

5.1.1. Reading

Decode/comprehend print using a variety of strategies to extract meaning

· Recognize different types of reading material/genre
· Identify the author's purpose
· Identify the cause/effect relationships
· Identify problem/solution
· Identify character traits and goals
· Draw conclusions and make inferences
· Formulate a summary
· Develop reading strategies to respond to literature in a variety of ways to foster and nurture a love of reading

5.1.2. Writing

· Write for a variety of purposes in order to communicate effectively
· Become familiar with writing process
· Able to use writing to express feelings and thoughts
· Respond to reading through writing
· Write to a specific purpose
· Identify sentences as complete thoughts
· Explore various writing genres

5.1.3. Listening

To recall specific information from oral presentations

· To follow directions
· Use listening skills as a tool for effective communication and comprehension to establish meaning

5.1.4. Speaking

Present ideas orally

· Present descriptions of personal experiences
· Present ideas in an organized fashion to an audience
· Take part in discussions
· Ask questions to build understanding and interpretations

5.2. English

5.2.1. Mechanics of Language

Be familiar with, and use, the conventions/mechanics of language

· Grammar
· Parts of speech
· Subject/verb/agreement
· Conjugation
· Types of sentences and structure
· Vowels, consonants, diphthongs, digraphs as applied to spelling rules
· Homonyms, synonyms, antonyms
· Recognize sentence fragments, and run-on sentences

5.2.2. Spelling

Develop phonetic and structural generalizations to be used in spelling

· Identify and spell irregularly spelled words
· Identify and spell commonly used words
· Include words currently in their reading material
· Include high interest words

5.2.3. Learning Activities

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Book Buddies
· Guest readers
· Listening centers
· Literature circles
· Show-n-tell
· Journals
· Writing centers
· Writing conferences
· Writer's workshops
· Peer and adult editing
· Discussion groups
· Debate teams
· Field trips

5.2.4. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Teacher-designed tests
· Journals
· Running records
· Checklists
· Anecdotal records
· Staff observations
· Standardized tests as appropriate
5.3.1. Concepts and Principles

Understand and apply mathematical concepts and principles

· Understand and recognize numbers, number systems, words, objectives, and graphics
· Compare numbers using symbols for greater than/less than
· Add and subtract numbers up to and including four-digit numbers with regrouping
· Know multiplication facts 0-9
· Compute, measure, estimate and use reasoning skills to solve practical problems
· Use calculator, computers and a variety of manipulatives appropriately
· Interpret information and solve problems derived from charts, tables, and graphs
· Use fractions to express portions of figures
· Identify and classify two and three dimensional shapes
· Solve practical problems with time and money and apply concepts to real world experiences
· Tell time to the nearest minute
· Recognize and read amounts of money
· Write sums or differences with amounts of money
· Measure length, weight, and liquid
· Demonstrate mathematical practices and processes used to solve problems orally and with the use of manipulatives

5.3.2. Learning Activities

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Learning centers
· Use of manipulatives
· Computer tasks/problem-solving programs
· Journals
· Field trips
· Student "stores" and other application models

5.3.3. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Teacher-designed tests/projects
· Checklists
· Journals
· Portfolio assessments
· Observations
· Anecdotal records
· Standardized testing as appropriate

5.4. Social Studies

5.4.1. History

Understand major events and individuals in the historical development of the US and other nations

· Explore cultures
· Develop a knowledge of communities' growth, history, and reason for existence

5.4.2. Geography

· Identify a globe, directions, continents, and oceans
· Introduce and develop map skills and the use of time lines

5.4.3. Civics

· Gain an understanding of our elective form of government and need for laws
· Gain an understanding of forms of government other than our own

5.4.4. Learning Activities

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Resource persons
· Individual/group interviews
· Computer/Internet exploration
· Pen Pals
· Special projects
· Field trips
· Incidental learning experiences
· Filmstrips/video
· Cultural exchanges
· Simulations

5.4.5. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Special projects
· Essays
· Staff observations
· Portfolios
· Teacher-designed tests
· Standardized tests as appropriate

5.5. Sciences

Understand basic science concepts and principles related to the life, physical, and earth sciences as developmentally appropriate; Begin to apply the scientific method/approach for inquiry; Understanding and use information related to preserving and conserving the environment.

5.5.1. Life Science

· Learn the classifications of plants that have flowers, cones, or are without seeds
· Identify the traits and classifications of animals with and without backbones
· Develop an understanding of the life cycle of animals as well as habitats for plants and animals
· Explore impact of humans on environment

5.5.2. Physical Science

· Learn how to measure length, mass, volume, and temperature
· Become familiar with force and machines such as the lever, wheel and axle, inclined plane and pulley
· Study sound and light and how each travels
· Beginning knowledge of gravity, energy, and changes in physical states (solids, liquids, gasses)

5.5.3. Earth Science

· Study and exploration of the moon and its relationship to the earth
· Earth and it resources (including conservation and preservation)
· Measuring weather as it relates to air movement

5.5.4. Learning Activities

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Raise living organisms
· Group/individual science projects
· Experiments
· Observations/data collections
· Resource Persons
· Special Projects
· Field Trips
· Filmstrips/videos

5.5.5. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Simulations
· Individual/group projects
· Essays
· Journals
· Lab reports/data samples
· Staff observations
· Peer evaluation/exchanges
· Checklists
· Teacher-designed tests
· Standardized test as appropriate

 5.6. Health

5.6.1. Healthy Practices

Recognize healthy practices/lifestyles

· Basic human needs
· Parts
· Functions
· Hygiene

5.6.2. Unhealthy Practices

Develop a basic understanding and recognition of unhealthy practices

· Poor nutrition
· Use/abuse of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
· Stress

5.6.3. Learning Activities

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Field trips
· Resource persons
· Filmstrips/videos

5.6.4. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Project evaluations
· Essays/research
· Staff observations
· Participation in discussions
· Portfolios
· Teacher-designed tests
· Standardized tests as appropriate

5.7. Life Skills

5.7.1. Skill Development

· Develop an understanding of self and others through individual and group experiences (interpersonal and intrapersonal skills)
· Learn life skills necessary for expression and communication of feelings, decision making, problem solving, peer/adult relations and self esteem
· Learn study skills necessary to set realistic academic and personal goals
· Conflict resolution as a basic way to identify problems and possible solutions

5.7.2. Learning Activities

This may be an integrated aspect of the curriculum in which these learning expectations are embedded in each component. If viewed as a "core" subject, activities would include classroom "instruction" in which staff facilitates discussions and practical problem-solving based on teacher or student generated scenarios, role-playing to model positive and negative effects of behaviors, debates for exploring varying perspectives, and discrete differences between fact/opinions. Participation in MASH which encourages responsibility and cooperation building through participation in school and community projects is vital in achieving the learning expectations.

5.7.3. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Individual and group projects
· Essays
· Presentations
· Participation in learning events/discussions
· Peer evaluation
· Teacher observations

5.8. Library/Study Skills

5.8.1. Skill Development

Develop and apply good library and study skills

· Learn the basics of the card catalog
· Learn the basics of the Dewey Decimal System
· Learn the meaning and location of individual and collective biographies
· Learn the use and the location of print and computerized encyclopedias
· Learn and understand the parts of a book (title page, table of contents, and index)
· Review and understand the meaning and location of fiction and non-fiction books
· Practice good study skills and organization

5.8.2. Learning Activities

These learning expectations may be integrated in other areas of the curriculum. Opportunities to practice and apply research, writing, organization, and study skills are embedded in areas of language arts, social sciences, health, sciences, math, etc. If this is treated as a "content" topic, activities will center on practical use and application within specified tasks.

5.8.3. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Demonstrated abilities to locate information for a variety of purposes and media
· Special projects

5.9. Technology

5.9.1. Computer Skills

Understand and apply computer operation skills

· Recognize and identify parts of a computer
· Correctly use a mouse
· Practice keyboarding skills
· Open and close programs
· Use word processing applications
· Save files to disks
· Print documents
· Delete unwanted files

5.9.2. Learning Activities

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Keyboarding explorations
· Program Explorations
· Special Projects
· Use electronic mail
· Communicate with key pals
· Create slide shows

5.9.3. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Special projects (individual or group
· Staff observations
· Checklists
· Journal entries
· Portfolios
· Teacher-designed tests

5.10. Art

5.10.1. Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE)

· Art production
· Aesthetics
· Critique
· Interpretation and evaluation
· Creative expression
· Value of art in the human experience

5.10.2. Learning Expectations

· Become more aware of the importance of craftsmanship
· Learn to evaluate one's work according to methods taught
· Continue to learn about the art of various cultures and historical periods
· Deal with more complex color mixing
· Have increased perception between 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional handling of materials
· Expand his/her art vocabulary
· Become familiar with simple figure proportions
· Combine materials for desired effects

5.10.3. Learning Activities

· Art production and exploration using a variety of materials and techniques
· Fundamentals of aesthetics (color value, line, contrast, balance, etc.)
· Basics of critique (why a piece of art has appeal or does not appeal, what elements are evident, and explain feelings evoked)
· Interpret the artist's message or purpose
· Gain experience and knowledge through slides, filmstrips, videos, field trips, and special guests about various art forms

5.10.4. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Art production demonstrating discrete skills/elements
· Essays/oral presentations of artists, historical periods, or cultures
· Self-evaluation
· Special projects
· Teacher-designed tests or tasks

5.11. Music

5.11.1. Learning Expectations

· Be able to perform more complex songs as to melodic range, rhythm, length of song, and the influence of harmony
· Be more aware of meter, accents, tempo, tonalities, etc.
· Elements of music and how they affect music
· Listen and understand more complex musical forms (concertos, symphony, rondos, etc.)
· Be able to perform simple folk dances and musical games

5.11.2. Learning Activities

Classroom exposure, personal experiences, and field experience with music production, appreciation, types of music, and elements of music (pitch, tone, harmony, melody, tempo, etc.) through exploration with voice and musical instruments.

5.11.3. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Staff observation
· Self-evaluation
· Participation
· Special projects
· Performance

5.12. Integrated Creative Expectations

5.12.1. Fine Arts Skills

Gain experience with Drama, Music, Dance, Plastic Arts, Textiles, Graphics, Jewelry, Architecture, Clothing Design, Audio/video production, Interior Design, Printmaking, Ceramics.

5.12.2. Demonstration of Knowledge

Chose and demonstrate knowledge and skills in one of the above areas. This applied arts component may be used as an isolated demonstration, or in tandem with other projects intended for presentation.

5.13. Physical Education

5.13.1. Participation

Active play to enhance muscle tone, coordination, and balance. Age-appropriate "games with rules" and various sports to instill teamwork

· Experience enjoyment of physical activity
· Instill importance of exercise for health maintenance
· Develop social customs and courtesy through folk and square dances
· Recognize improvement in personal capabilities
· Increase skill in tumbling fundamentals
· Learn trust and safety in games and play

5.13.2. Learning Activities

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Participation in group and individual games/sports
· Participation in folk and square dances
· Indoor/outdoor and seasonal activities
· Field trips
· Resource persons

5.13.3. Assessment Strategies

Suggested but not limited to the following:

· Teacher-designed tests/tasks